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License Problem

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greetings to all,


I'm sorry that I'm writing in english, but I don't speak german, so please forgive me about that.


I bought through Ross-Tech website (USA) a hex-can usb as a gift for my mechanic. Unfortunately, he doesn't speak english at all, he just knows the german language (though not excellent).


I downloaded a german version of the software (VDCS) and the software recognized the interface, but when I click about (über) button it says - unregistriert/unautorisiert (basically, Unauthorized version).



My questions are - How can I authorize the Vag-Com software? Do I have to pay more? If yes, how much?


Please, once again, forgive me for writing this in english, but because I have to authorize the software version in german language.



I could give you the serial number of the interface and the code that is actually displayed at the about button (über).


Thank you for your time



p.s. (I came here through Google Translate)

Bearbeitet von darwinism

Systems sold in the US are restricted to English only, if you need a different language you should have ordered from your local distributor. A re-licensing for a different language (which then would include English) is possible.


Based on the records I can find this system was delivered to Boston, MA. Is that where you're at?


Aktuelle VCDS Version: DE/PCI / DE/DRV / EN


Lesenswert: "Warum antwortet mir keiner?" ...oder auch "Wie poste ich richtig?"

Thank you very much for the quick reply.


Systems sold in the US are restricted to English only, if you need a different language you should have ordered from your local distributor.


Yes, I have received it at Boston, MA (my home), but actually I'm not there. I didn't knew there was a problem for languages, however I would like to fix this (if it can be done).


A re-licensing for a different language (which then would include English) is possible.


Yes, that what I was looking for. Please, would you tell me what should I have to do?


thanks again


- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I can give you the display-view with serial number taken from the laptop where I've installed VCDS.

Details can be found on the website, but I would suggest you email directly - probably including a link to this topic.






Aktuelle VCDS Version: DE/PCI / DE/DRV / EN


Lesenswert: "Warum antwortet mir keiner?" ...oder auch "Wie poste ich richtig?"

Details can be found on the website, but I would suggest you email directly - probably including a link to this topic.







greetings Sebastian,


following your suggestion, I've e-mailed to their contact address but haven't received any answer to my mail account (spam also checked). Then I also fulfilled this - http://www.vcdspro.de/lizenzwechsel/step-3-enter-data.php, but yet no answer.


Excuse me for bothering with questions, do you have any idea what can I do or better, if there's any thing left to do?

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