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Das deutsche VCDS Forum

Software auch für MAC geeignet?

Empfohlene Beiträge



ich wollte nur mal nachfragen, ob die VCDS Software auch auf einem MAC-Book läuft!

Gibt's da jemanden mit Erfahrung?




Bitte Suchfunktion nutzen bzw. mal auf die Webseite oder in die FAQ schauen. ;)




Aktuelle VCDS Version: DE/PCI / DE/DRV / EN


Lesenswert: "Warum antwortet mir keiner?" ...oder auch "Wie poste ich richtig?"

Bitte Suchfunktion nutzen bzw. mal auf die Webseite oder in die FAQ schauen. ;)





Leider sind meine Englisch Kenntnisse nicht so toll!

Kann mir das jemand auf Deutsch übersetzen?


1.8 Will there be a Mac or Linux version?


There will be no "native" Mac or Linux versions. The time and effort required to "port" VCDS to these platforms would never be worthwhile.


Linux (Serial versions only, no reports of USB versions working)


One person has gotten VCDS running under Linux using WINE -- click here for details.


A much more recent one: HOW-TO Install VCDS in Ubuntu Linux using Wine


Mac (IBM/Motorola):


Results on IBM/Motorola Power-PC based Macs using Virtual PC vary. Some people have gotten it to work, but sample rates tend to be poor and the sessions tend to drop frequently. This is likely inherent in the overhead and latency inherent in the virtualized environment. Some people have not gotten it to work at all.


Mac (Intel):


Reports from numerous users indicate that VCDS works perfectly on the latest Intel-based Macs when these run Windows XP natively using Boot Camp. We've had a few reports that VCDS does not work with Windows Vista under Boot Camp. Reports from people using Parallels are less favorable, most people who've tried this have not been able to get it to work at all, especially with Parallels builds lower than 3120.


The bottom line:


We do not consider any of these to be "Supported" platforms for VCDS. If you can get VCDS to work on one of these platforms, great. But if it doesn't work, please don't expect us to be able to help you.

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